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Poker How To Deal With Bad Beats

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How to Deal with Online Poker Bad Beats Paul watson April 17, 2020 April 18, 2020 no comment No tags Playing a poker game online or on a live table doesn't mean that you would get up by winning a contest. Good Question Actually. Cant explain within quora. I have added a detailed article here. You can check it out if you have some time:) When I first started playing online poker I remember whenever I got it all-in ahead and someone would suck out o.

There is very little in poker that can throw you off of your game in such a dramatic way as a bad beat can. Dropping from the high of being all in on the flop with top set against two over cards, to the low of being outdrawn to a runner-runner flush is enough to make the biggest poker fan hate the game.

Despite this however, it is far more important than you think to deal with the frustration before playing your next hand.

What is a Bad Beat?
A bad beat by definition is simply losing a hand of poker when you were the statistical favorite. And really what is meant here is losing as the statistical favorite when big amounts of money go in the middle.

A lot of people confuse bad play with bad beats. They are far from the same thing. For instance, calling off big bets on the turn and river when a major draw came in and your overpair is obviously no good anymore is in fact just bad play.

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How can you get over a bad beat?

Understand equity and the realities of poker.


Some players seem to think they are entitled to a pot, if you get it allin with a set vs a flush draw, you are going to be losing the pot approximately 27% of the time. That's almost 1/3 of the time. Understanding that these things happen frequently in poker is critical to being able to not tilt when you get bad beat.

Become process orientated not results orientated.

Results orientated thinking are the downfall of many potentially talented poker players. Everything you should do in poker should be based around how to maximise your expectation in every given hand. If you associate losing with playing bad you are making a mistake. Its perfectly normal to play 'perfect' and lose due to running bad and bad beats. Likewise, its perfectly possible to play awful and win on any given day. Don't be results orientated, be process orientated!

Without bad beats, the fish wouldn't play!

This is a critical realisation. You don't get fish gambling on chess (A game where the most skilled player wins every game). The reason fish gamble playing poker is because they are convinced they can win on the days they get lucky, consequently they keep playing in the future despite being long term losing players. Variance and bad beats are what keep the fish playing because it gives them hope. If the fish were to loose every single hand, how long do you think they would play? Not long, that's right!

Just think of it like this, every time a fish bad beats you, you are giving them hope. They don't understand odds, probability, ranges, value betting or any of the stuff that makes you a winning player. All they understand is winning and losing. When the fish wins, the fish keeps coming back. Its kinda cruel in a way, you give them hope when we both know they are going to lose a lot of money in the long run.

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Bad beats are an opportunity

Bad beats happen to everyone and are a way in which you can gain reciprocal profits on your opponents. Look at it like this, every bad beat is a test of your resolve, an opportunity to not tilt. If you don't tilt in a situation when another player would have tilted, you have made some reciprocal money. Just as you can make money from your opponents by making better betting decisions, you can also make money in regards to tilting. If you don't tilt, and your opponents tilt, you win!

Figure out your breaking point and quit

Every single player in the world has a breaking point. The breaking point is an imaginary amount of money you have to lose, or situations that have to happen to cause someone to play irrationally. The key is to be aware of your emotions and be able to stop playing when you reach that point. Remember, poker is supposed to be a fun and profitable way to spend your time. Any time in which your not having fun and are not playing your best, its best to quit, take a break, re-group and come back playing stronger, better and more profitably.

Bad beats are an integral part of poker, so if you want to become a long term winner you are going to have to get used to them. If there were no such things as bad beats, then most of us would never have a losing session. But on the positive side, bad beats are what keep the bad players and soft competition coming back. It tricks them into thinking they made the right play, or that poker is always about luck.

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Decisions in life can be tough, and it is no different in Poker. This is especially true with Online Poker where each decision you make is up against the clock, with an alarming reminder tone when that time is running out.

So, in this lesson we are going to take a look at the thought process you should be applying to each decision to help you arrive at a logical decision. By following the thought process each time a decision is made you can ensure that you are consistent in making good decisions, and limit mistakes you make due to rushed decisions.

The Thought Process

Each time it's your turn to act then you should be thinking through the same thought process as follows:

  1. How are my opponents playing? – Aggressively? Conservatively? Tentatively?
  2. What are some of the hands my opponents are likely to hold? – based on the above and any tells or betting patterns you have noticed.
  3. What do my opponents think I have? – What have your opponents seen you do e.g. If I have a tight image then my opponents will probably put me on a good hand.
  4. Am I in good position or bad position? – Early, Middle or Late position?

Once you have answered the above, then you have consolidated the knowledge you need to decide on what action to take:

Should You bet (or raise)?

  • If you think you have the best hand – You will nearly always bet or raise.
  • If you think you can force weak opponents out of the pot then you will bet or raise.
  • If you have a good draw on and you think there is a good chance my opponents will fold you nearly always bet or raise (this is called a semi-bluff which we'll discuss further in Unit 5).

Should You check (or fold)?

  • If you think you have the worst hand – most of the time you will fold
  • If you think your opponents are strong – most of the time you will fold
  • If your on a draw but not getting a good price – you will always fold

If neither of the above two questions apply then the conclusion should be that calling is a correct move.


Some players seem to think they are entitled to a pot, if you get it allin with a set vs a flush draw, you are going to be losing the pot approximately 27% of the time. That's almost 1/3 of the time. Understanding that these things happen frequently in poker is critical to being able to not tilt when you get bad beat.

Become process orientated not results orientated.

Results orientated thinking are the downfall of many potentially talented poker players. Everything you should do in poker should be based around how to maximise your expectation in every given hand. If you associate losing with playing bad you are making a mistake. Its perfectly normal to play 'perfect' and lose due to running bad and bad beats. Likewise, its perfectly possible to play awful and win on any given day. Don't be results orientated, be process orientated!

Without bad beats, the fish wouldn't play!

This is a critical realisation. You don't get fish gambling on chess (A game where the most skilled player wins every game). The reason fish gamble playing poker is because they are convinced they can win on the days they get lucky, consequently they keep playing in the future despite being long term losing players. Variance and bad beats are what keep the fish playing because it gives them hope. If the fish were to loose every single hand, how long do you think they would play? Not long, that's right!

Just think of it like this, every time a fish bad beats you, you are giving them hope. They don't understand odds, probability, ranges, value betting or any of the stuff that makes you a winning player. All they understand is winning and losing. When the fish wins, the fish keeps coming back. Its kinda cruel in a way, you give them hope when we both know they are going to lose a lot of money in the long run.

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Bad beats are an opportunity

Bad beats happen to everyone and are a way in which you can gain reciprocal profits on your opponents. Look at it like this, every bad beat is a test of your resolve, an opportunity to not tilt. If you don't tilt in a situation when another player would have tilted, you have made some reciprocal money. Just as you can make money from your opponents by making better betting decisions, you can also make money in regards to tilting. If you don't tilt, and your opponents tilt, you win!

Figure out your breaking point and quit

Every single player in the world has a breaking point. The breaking point is an imaginary amount of money you have to lose, or situations that have to happen to cause someone to play irrationally. The key is to be aware of your emotions and be able to stop playing when you reach that point. Remember, poker is supposed to be a fun and profitable way to spend your time. Any time in which your not having fun and are not playing your best, its best to quit, take a break, re-group and come back playing stronger, better and more profitably.

Bad beats are an integral part of poker, so if you want to become a long term winner you are going to have to get used to them. If there were no such things as bad beats, then most of us would never have a losing session. But on the positive side, bad beats are what keep the bad players and soft competition coming back. It tricks them into thinking they made the right play, or that poker is always about luck.

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Decisions in life can be tough, and it is no different in Poker. This is especially true with Online Poker where each decision you make is up against the clock, with an alarming reminder tone when that time is running out.

So, in this lesson we are going to take a look at the thought process you should be applying to each decision to help you arrive at a logical decision. By following the thought process each time a decision is made you can ensure that you are consistent in making good decisions, and limit mistakes you make due to rushed decisions.

The Thought Process

Each time it's your turn to act then you should be thinking through the same thought process as follows:

  1. How are my opponents playing? – Aggressively? Conservatively? Tentatively?
  2. What are some of the hands my opponents are likely to hold? – based on the above and any tells or betting patterns you have noticed.
  3. What do my opponents think I have? – What have your opponents seen you do e.g. If I have a tight image then my opponents will probably put me on a good hand.
  4. Am I in good position or bad position? – Early, Middle or Late position?

Once you have answered the above, then you have consolidated the knowledge you need to decide on what action to take:

Should You bet (or raise)?

  • If you think you have the best hand – You will nearly always bet or raise.
  • If you think you can force weak opponents out of the pot then you will bet or raise.
  • If you have a good draw on and you think there is a good chance my opponents will fold you nearly always bet or raise (this is called a semi-bluff which we'll discuss further in Unit 5).

Should You check (or fold)?

  • If you think you have the worst hand – most of the time you will fold
  • If you think your opponents are strong – most of the time you will fold
  • If your on a draw but not getting a good price – you will always fold

If neither of the above two questions apply then the conclusion should be that calling is a correct move.

Poker is a game of information and all the above is doing is getting you to review all the information you have about the hand and opponents and use that to come to a logical decision.

The Big Lay Down

To be a winning poker player you must be capable of making a big lay down.

A big lay down is folding a premium hand when you think you are beat, and not carrying on with the premium hand just because of the fact it is a premium hand and its too heart breaking to lay it down.

An example of this might be that you hold pocket Kings and an Ace comes on the Flop. You're faced with a large bet from your opponent and you heavily suspect he is holding an ace in his hand.

In this situation can you afford to risk such a large amount when your 'premium' hand of Kings can quite easily be beaten by your opponent holding a single Ace?

Think it through carefully and consider the following:

Poker How To Deal With Bad Beats Instrumentals

  1. Does it add up? – Look at the betting patterns of your opponent; does it fit in with how he would act if he is holding the hand you are scared of?
  2. Bluff? – Has this opponent shown a tendency to bluff? Could this be a bluff?

A big lay down is never easy, and it will be really hard to accept if you get it wrong and your opponent shows you a bluff after you laydown, but look at it this way its better than losing all your money if he had of been holding the Ace and you carried on with the hand.

Of course if you have considered all of the above and are still confident you are in the lead then you should continue in the hand, making a big laydown when your opponent hasn't got you beat is still a mistake and we want to make as few a mistakes as possible.

Poker Tilt

While we are on the subject of making good decisions, we have to talk about the subject of Poker Tilt.

When we say a player goes on 'tilt' what we mean is someone makes a very bad decision or decisions in response to a previous situation.

The main cause of this situation is when a player suffers a bad beat in a previous hand and then becomes very aggressive in the next few hands.

Overwhelmed by the anger of not winning the previous pot, they play aggressively to try and get back at the world, but the only person they are hurting are themselves.

Never ever ever EVER allow yourself to go on Tilt!

Tilt is bad for the player involved, he is not playing good poker and not making informed decisions, all tilt will do is turn a bad beat, into an even worse beat.

If you suffer a bad beat and find yourself fuming and doing things you normally wouldn't do then click the sit out button and walk away from the computer for 5 minutes, go make a coffee or something just to take your mind off it, then when you are back in the right frame of mind, retake your seat and continue with your strategy.

Take advantage of your opponents Tilt

Keep an eye on your opponents and if you spot a player go on tilt then you can take advantage of it and exploit it. The chances are that the player is holding nothing or a very weak hand.

However only attempt to exploit someone on tilt if you have a hand, it is very unlikely you will be able to force them out of the hand, they will probably be willing to put all their money in the pot, so you need a hand to show down at the end.

Poker Bankroll Challenge: Stage 8

Poker How To Deal With Bad Beats Bad

  • Stakes: $0.05/$0.10
  • Buy In: $10 (100 x BB)
  • Starting Bankroll: $153
  • Target: $50 (5 x Buy In)
  • Finishing Bankroll: $203
  • Estimated Sessions: 5

Poker How To Deal With Bad Beats Wireless Headphones

Use these practise sessions to work through any decisions you have to make logically and ensure you are using all the information you have to arrive at the best decision. Look out for any players going on Tilt and don't always assume premium hands are in the lead.

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